Friday, November 2, 2007
Went for the interview which I'm selected for, and got kinda a nice welcome ^^
Well, at first i thought im gonna be really late, because i kind of overslept, and rushed to school without bathing OMG!
But at least i reached there, early and in time. I reached like 10 mins before the interview should start, and thus could go and have a toilet break and etc, and even a drink =x And, i did not drink in the toliet >.>
For a sec inside the room, with the interviewer, seen the webcam like thing and seen a recorder. And i'm like, OMG, its tapppppeddd! This scene came to my mind at that moment, when I was in a therpist room, with the recorder, eeks.
But then again, i already do not want to face back to the past anymore, be it i stutter or whatsoever, im still going for this interview, as well as i can. whats so scary about it anyway, afterall the interviewer was kind :X She is kind of funny too!
Asked me kind of alot of questions, even some demos from me, like how i access and etc. Sounds kinda fun, but in my mind, i was wondering what she did it, its so high tech! Not as if i did not know but, its the first time infront of my eyes =x
Oh and further into the therpist incident. I was told that, it was just like an experiment, to actually try to get a "cure" for this problem with me. Well, she said there wasnt any cures for this. But, i feel that, with determination, and time, i can surely bypass this issue of mine, without paying that hefty amount like $1000? Thats not small money to me, rather quite alot if it is to my family. So i decided to save that $1000.
The other reason is, i do not want to be treated like a specimen, and i have to pay for it oh well.
So i rejected. Anyways im doing fine now, so i guess im okay :D
Other than those, i borrowed a learning japanese book to aid my playing of Nanatsuiro Drops Pure! Its entirely in japanese, and not only that, its like a storybook, but well in digital format, and deeper into the story, so it may be good to play it :D If im really interested the aftermath of the final ep of the anime, which I'm =P
Maybe i will be posting later, but then again, i dunno :D Shall see then!
Bed of roses
|11:35 AM|